Steps to Better Bladder Health
Bladder health is not often discussed, but it affects everyone. One-third of Americans aged 40 and over report…
Pro Tips: Bladder Control
1. Don’t let your bladder control your life. I used to limit my time away from the house…
Pro Tips: Using a Female Catheter
1. Try different options. Before you place an order for a product contact your medical supply account manager to…
Pro Tips: Using Medical Supplies as a Female
1. Get your clothes tailored. Do you love wearing jeans but hate taking them off every time you use the bathroom? Ask a tailor to…
Pro Tips: Toileting Necessities for your Medical Supply Bag
1. Disinfecting wipes. Public restrooms are not always the cleanest places. In case you have to transfer…
Tips for Flying with a Wheelchair
As a wheelchair user, and someone who often finds himself 30,000 feet above the ground, I am thankful for the protections provided by legislation…
Clean Intermittent Cathing
Leah shares what clean intermittent cathing (CIC) means and why it is important. Emptying your bladder consistently and using good technique is critical to maintaining bladder health and quality of life.