Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to commonly asked questions.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for reach out to us anytime.

Product Questions

  • What catheter products do you carry?
  • Can I get a free sample?
  • What types of catheters are there and how do they differ?
  • How do I use my catheter?

    Learning how to use a catheter for the first time might seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it can become a manageable routine.

    We offer handy guides detailing the step-by-step process of catheterization, ensuring that you feel confident and comfortable. Additionally, our instructional materials cover various catheter options, highlighting their ease of use and suitability for different needs.

    When using a catheter for the first time, it’s essential to maintain cleanliness and follow proper hygiene practices to reduce the risk of infection.

    With practice and guidance, catheterization can become a straightforward part of your routine, enhancing your quality of life and maintaining urinary health.

    For detailed instructions on male, female, and pediatric catheterization, See our instruction guides.


  • How do I reorder my catheters?

    If you need to reorder your catheters, rest assured that our dedicated reorder team is here to assist you. We understand the importance of continuity in your catheter supply, which is why a member of our team will proactively reach out to you each month or quarter before shipment to ensure you have an adequate supply on hand.

    Our user-friendly online platform allows you to easily select your preferred catheter type and quantity, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free process. Additionally, if you have any specific requirements or preferences, our customer support team is available to assist you in customizing your order to meet your individual needs.

    You can place an online reorder through our online portal.

  • How will my catheters ship to me?

    Catheters will arrive in discreet packaging to your home or designated shipping address.

    We understand the sensitive nature of this medical supply, and our discreet packaging helps maintain your confidentiality throughout the delivery process. Additionally, to streamline your experience and minimize inconvenience, your entire order will be shipped at once, consolidating all your catheter needs into a single package.

  • How do I travel with my catheters?

    Traveling with catheters can be done smoothly if you are prepared.

    When traveling, it’s always a good idea to research any hospitals or medical supply locations near your destination in case there’s an emergency. Just as well, ensure that you have all your medical insurance information easily on hand.

    It’s generally recommended that you travel with at least twice the amount of supplies you think you’ll need, and make sure you keep extra supplies in your carry on bag in case any checked luggage is lost.

    These are just a few tips. See our ProTip article that provides best practices on traveling with catheters, and if you need to reorder ahead of planned travel, visit our reorder portal.

  • How do I prevent urinary tract infections?

    UTIs can be problematic, but are preventable with good bladder health and utilizing optimal techniques for cathing.

    Some good ways to prevent UTIs are proper catheter care, and prevention of contamination when emptying or changing your catheter.

    This includes cleaning and disinfecting your hands before putting in your catheter, ensuring that the system is free of blockages, and replacing the system if there are any leaks.

    For additional information on catheter health and UTIs, See our NuDigest article that provides tips on managing bladder health

  • Can I use catheters discreetly in public restrooms?

    At Numotion, we are eager to help you find the product or product mix that fits your healthcare needs and lifestyle. Many products are available in compact packaging that allows for discreet catheter use in a variety of settings. Whether its work, school, or the community, these portable catheters may fit in your backpack, purse, or even your pocket, allowing for easy and efficient catheter use in public restrooms.

    For adventurers who enjoy travel, catheters are available in travel-friendly packaging so you can spend more time doing what you love: having experiences and making memories!

  • How long does the catheterization process typically take?

    Catheterization time will vary significantly between each person: their anatomy, their method for straight catheterization, the amount of fluid intake, the catheter used, and more. Numotion offers a variety of product lines with different features and benefits that promote quick catheter use, and also keep you healthy when used properly.

    It’s important to note that self-catheterization duration is completely individualized; contact your healthcare provider if you have concerns with your current technique.

  • How do I dispose of used catheters properly?

    Disposing of used catheters will vary depending on the type of catheter used, bathroom accessibility, and functional capabilities of each individual person. For straight catheter disposal, you may discreetly wrap it in paper and place it in the waste bin; if the catheter has a bag attached, the bag may be drained into the commode prior to disposal. Some catheter packaging allows the catheter to be re-inserted after use, promoting discreet and efficient safe catheter disposal.

  • What should I do if I experience discomfort while using a catheter?

    It’s important to note that catheterization should not be painful, and catheter discomfort solutions exist! It may be as simple as changing to a less rigid product, or one with a different lubricant. It is possible to experience some resistance; however, catheter insertion pain could be addressed by changing to a different tip (coude, flexible) or modifying your catheterization technique.

    Questions surrounding ongoing pain relief for catheter users should be addressed by a healthcare professional.

Insurance Questions

  • What insurance plans are contracted with Numotion Medical Supply?

    We are contracted with most major health plans. But give us a call at (800) 834-9694 to discuss your needs.

  • How many catheters will my insurance cover?

    The amount of catheters is dependent on medical necessity. Medicare allows for 200 per month. Other insurance coverages will vary. We will work with your insurance provider to insure that you receive your fully allotted amount.

  • How much will my catheters cost?

    You will receive a thorough explanation of your coinsurance, a review of any deductible and out of pocket max to fully understand your financial obligations.  Numotion offers financial assistance for those who qualify.

Still have questions?

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