Managing Catheter Emergencies: Leaks, Shortages, and Infection Prevention
Catheter users may face unexpected challenges, such as leaks or supply shortages. This comprehensive guide provides practical solutions for common catheter emergencies. Learn what to do if your catheter starts leaking and how to manage if you run out of catheters unexpectedly. We’ll also cover essential UTI prevention strategies to maintain your health while using intermittent catheters. Whether you’re new to catheterization or an experienced user, our expert advice will help you handle any situation with confidence and minimize the risk of complications.
1. Don’t let your bladder control your life. I used to limit my time away from the house for fear that I would need to use a bathroom. Finding products that worked with my lifestyle allowed me to spend more time outside my home.
2. Talk to your medical team and insurance providers about options that fit your lifestyle. After talking to my doctor, we agreed that a temporary indwelling catheter would be a good choice for me.
3. Take the time to learn as much as you can about products you choose. Being knowledgeable about the products you choose will give you confidence. One-time use clean kits allow me to feel comfortable when traveling long distances via airplane, or cycling for miles.
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